Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Change of Plans

So my winter goal to lose 7lbs failed miserably! turns out I needed a gym to be my motivation. Now that I'm back at school and I have a rec center that is open til 12am I am going to the gym every day except on saturdays (my off day). There are 15 weeks left til the end of school and it take 12 weeks to see full results. I am going to do this :) I will lose 15lbs by summer time. I will also be heathier and create a workout daily lifestyle for myself :)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My up to date :)

One more day until weight loss kick off! as excited as I am I have continued to work out overy day just to get into a routine of it :) So i have a motivational section updated for today and I am also going to post my work out from today once I get back from the rec.
Oh P.S. finals have been a pain in the butt so my time management has revolved mostly around finals since I really need to get good grades on them so bare with me here for the next two days.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

December 7th!
Today in the blog I posted some new things :) I added to my motivational page a few tips on how to lose weight at a slightly faster pace. In my day to day log I wrote down some information on the continuation of my weight loss journey. Lastly, I wrote down under my work outs and recipies tab the work outs and food that i ate today. Happy readings!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What my Christmas goal is about!

I have wanted the motivation to lose weight since the end of my junior year of swim team. I used to have the will power to hold back from eating fatty foods and the motivation to jump on the treadmill 4 times a week. This christmas break, I am going to. This blogger is going to help me mark down what I eat and when I work out.
My college winter break starts next week on december 15th. That is going to mark my day one! I would start now but i threw out my back badly and I am unable to perform any activities what so ever until I see a chiropractor.
So here is the ultimate goal: By the end of christmas/winter break, I want to lose 7lbs. I am right now 130. By summer I would like to be 118lbs but I want to look strong and healthy. The last day of break is January 16th so.... in one month I would like to lose 7lbs.
I will achieve this goal by using my swat team videos 3xs a week, lifting weight 2xs a week, and running on the treadmill for 3 miles once a week. That gives me one day of rest. Once a week I will check my weight. I will record what I eat and how much I work out each day on this blogger :)
Its time to lose that weight once and for all in a healthy manner!